Portal of electronic information resources
Palacký University
EIZ Portal at UP


Scite.ai webinar and training

Albertina icome Praha invites you to the following webinars on artificial intelligence and the citation service Scite.

"How to Bring AI to the Classroom: Faculty Guide for Ethical and Effective Use" – 19 September at 3 p.m.
This webinar will cover the latest advances in AI technology and its application in the classroom. The Scite Assistant tool, which validates AI-generated texts (including ChatGPT), will be mentioned.
Registration and further information

"Unlock the Power of Knowledge with scite.ai" – 2 October at 10 a.m.
Online training for interested users of scite.ai, an AI-powered platform that analyzes and provides citation context for scientific papers and helps researchers evaluate the credibility and impact of scholarly articles.
Registration and further information

The webinars will be held in English.

The new interface of the multi-search engine EDS

EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) will transition to a new interface on August 6th, 2024 that offers users intuitive ways to refine, navigate, like and share search results.
One of the biggest changes is the way to access filters, the introduction of a concept map for the visual representation of subjects, and the My dashboard personal user space, which will replace the MyEBSCO personal folder.

Attention! Not all saved MyEBSCO items will be transferred to My dashboard, so it is necessary to back up the items separately in some way.
This is mainly everything created in the part My Custom – it will not be transferred at all. Further items that will not be transferred are Companies, Pages and Websites, Alerts, Persistent Links, and Notes in part of My Folder.
Detailed information about My dashboard and the transfer can be found on the EBSCO page.

Details will be added gradually on this site.

Journal Citation Reports

Attend Clarivate's webinar on this year's update to Journal Citation Reports, which will discuss individual metrics and the use of enhanced journal profiles, including information about open access.

"Journal Citation Reports™ vydanie 2024 (Česko a Slovensko)" takes place on June 27, 2024, from 10:30 a.m.
Webinar recording

Integrating SciFlow into Library Services

SciFlow, in cooperation with Albertina icome Praha, has prepared an online training on the SciFlow Authoring Platform.

The webinar "Integrating SciFlow into Library Services: A Strategic Approach" will take place on 11 June 2024 at 14:00 in English.

It will address how universities, research institutions, and their libraries can better integrate SciFlow to support academic writing and research. It is aimed at librarians, R&D management and support staff, and anyone interested in modernizing library services.

Webinar recording

MIT Press Direct eBook Collection

Palacký University has received trial access to the MIT Press e-book collection, which will last until May 31, 2024. See the resource page for more information.

Scopus Academy

Elsevier has prepared the self-paced, online course Scopus Academy for students and researchers.

Scopus Academy helps you get the full benefit of Scopus. You can learn how to easily identify relevant literature, spot emerging research trends, pinpoint topic experts or potential collaborators, evaluate journals for manuscript publication, and more with Scopus.

Scopus Academy consists of four free modules: Basic search, Advanced search, Metrics, and Research collaboration. Each will take approximately 15 minutes to complete and include a short quiz at the end. Upon successful completion of each quiz, you will be able to download a certificate and badge to share.

Artificial Intelligence in the Web of Science

We invite you to participate in Clarivate's online training on the issue of AI implementation in the Web of Science.

A webinar titled "Zodpovedná akademická umelá inteligencia (AI) pre výskumníkov Web of Science" will occur on May 22 at 9:00 a.m. You can register here.

Webinar recording

Webinar OVID - EBMR - Evidence-Based Medicine Reviews on Ovid

We would like to invite you to the upcoming webinar of the Ovid company - Tips for searching Evidence Based Medicine using EBMR and Ovid Medline.
The webinar will take place on two dates (morning and afternoon version) and will be recorded. The webinar is free and will take place in English.

Date of event: Tuesday, May 14, 2024
Time: from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m
Registration at: https://www.aip.cz/seminare/1206-tips-for-searching-evidence-based-medicine-using-ebmr-and-ovid-medline/

Date of event: Wednesday, May 15, 2024
Time: from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m
Registration at: https://www.aip.cz/seminare/1207-tips-for-searching-evidence-based-medicine-using-ebmr-and-ovid-medline/

Inserted by: Bc. Hana Pechová
AMBOSS Training Webinars

The AMBOSS company, in cooperation with the CzechELib national center, prepared online training for users of the AMBOSS medical knowledge platform aimed at effective work with this educational system.
The webinars, lasting about 45 minutes, will be held in Czech and English at 7:00 p.m. on the following dates.

Tuesday: May 14 and 21, 2024 (English)
Thursday: May 16 and 23, 2024 (Czech)

You can register according to the information provided in this document.

Webinars on Web of Science

Clarivate has prepared additional online trainings focused on the Web of Science.

"Kde publikovať, alebo nástroje a stratégie na výber najvhodnejšieho časopisu" – 19/04/2024 at 9:00 a.m.
Webinar recording

"Clarivate riešenia na rozvoj vašej stratégie týkajúce sa univerzitných rebríčok" – 23/04/2024 at 9:00 a.m.

<Avaiable in czech version only.>
<Avaiable in czech version only.>
Nursing Reference Center Plus

Palacký University has gained access to the Nursing Reference Center Plus resource focused on nursing and healthcare, which will run until March 29, 2024.

Amboss, Clarivate, EBSCO, SciFlow and scite_ webinars

We invite you to participate in the following webinars.

"Start into 2024 with a free SciFlow trial to simplify your academic writing" ... introducing the SciFlow Authoring Platform, which enables convenient writing of professional texts, supports collaboration, automates formatting and integrates citation tools.

"Podpora integrity výskumu pomocou spoľahlivých nástrojov a údajov" ... Clarivate's webinar will show how the Web of Science addresses the challenges of journal growth and questionable publishing practices.

"Refine Your Citations – an introduction to scite_" ... introduction to the online service scite_, which, by analysing the full text of scholarly articles, provides information not only on the overall citation rate of a given publication, but also on the context in which it has been cited and whether the citation offers confirming or refuting evidence for the claims cited, or whether it is merely a reference.

"Enhancing Medical Education with AI" ... use of artificial intelligence in education and training on the AMBOSS medical platform.

"Nejlepší multidisciplinární plnotextová databáze na světě" ... how to effectively search for quality and peer-reviewed resources contained in the Academic Search Ultimate database, which you can find on the EBSCOhost platform.

"Predstavujeme nový Grants Index na platforme Web of Science" ... what Grants Index contains and how it can help scientists in the field of funding their own research projects.

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<Avaiable in czech version only.>
Webinars on Web of Science

Clarivate online training courses dedicated to the most prestigious electronic information resource Web of Science continue this year.

"Veda na dosah: úvod do používania Web of Science" – 24.1.2024 at 9:00 a.m.
Webinar recording

"Najvplyvnejšie a vznikajúce oblasti a research fronty v roku 2023" – 31.1.2024 at 9:30 a.m.

EZproxy outage

On Friday, December 15, the EZproxy service will be upgraded between 9 p.m. and 10 p.m. At this time, it will not be possible to use EZproxy links for remote access to electronic information resources on the this portal.

We apologize for the complications caused.

Webinars on Web of Science

We invite you to participate in webinars organized by Clarivate, which are dedicated to the news on the Web of Science platform.

"Predstavujeme dva nové indexy na platforme Web of Science: ProQuest Dissertations & Thesis Citation Index a Preprint Citation Index"
29/11/2023 from 10 a.m.   Registration

"Najdôležitejšie rozšírenia na Web of Science a InCites v roku 2023"
14/12/2023 from 10 a.m.   Webinar recording

<Avaiable in czech version only.>
How to get grants with Web of Science?

We invite you to attend the Clarivate Webinar entitled "Zvýšte úspešnosť grantov svojej inštitúcie pomocou analytík založených na údajoch" which will demonstrate how Web of Science, InCites, Pivot RP, and Reviewer Locator can help with grants.

Date: October 24, 2023, from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.    Webinar recording

CINAHL Ultimate and MLA International Bibliography with Full Text

On the EBSCOhost platform, the CINAHL Ultimate and MLA International Bibliography with Full Text databases are available for Palacký University in trial mode until November 12, 2023.


Palacký University received a one-month trial access to the Statista resource.

Statista is a German online platform specialized in data gathering and visualization, which offers statistics and reports, market insights, consumer insights and company insights.

You can use it until November 2, 2023.

Publication activity and exploring physics with World Scientific

We invite you to participate in two free webinars hosted by World Scientific:

"How to increase your publications in the ranking journals with World Scientific" – on Wednesday, 11 October 2023, from 3 pm. Registration

"Exploring Physics with World Scientific" – on Wednesday, 18 October 2023, from 3 pm. Registration

<Avaiable in czech version only.>
ProQuest Dissertations & Thesis Citation Index

The ProQuest Dissertations & Theses database is the most comprehensive multidisciplinary collection of dissertations and theses in the world.
It contains more than 5 million citations to works from thousands of universities, now available on the Web of Science as the ProQuest Dissertation & Thesis Citation Index.

Overview of integrations between the Web of Science and ProQuest platforms

We invite you to participate in the webinar entitled "Prehľad integrácií medzi platformami Web of Science a ProQuest", organized by Clarivate, which will present the connection of Web of Science with ProQuest databases as well as the Alma system.

Date: September 27, 2023 from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m   Webinar recording

UpToDate Product Onboard Webinar

Wolters Kluwer offers online training to work with UpToDate, a knowledge resource for evidence-based medical practice.

The webinar will take place in English via the MS Teams platform on the following dates:

The webinar will include examples of how to create a personal account and what its advantages are, how to search effectively in UpToDate (simple x advanced search), how to work with drug interactions, where to find an overview of current news in individual medical fields, and where to find information for patients.

Anopress out of service


The Anopress media database is temporarily out of order.

Access will most likely be restored within the next few days.

Thank you for your understanding!

Inserted by: Bc. Hana Pechová
Creating a Publication-Ready Manuscript with Lippincott

We invite you to participate in a practical webinar for novice and experienced authors, which will provide tips on how to improve your publishing skills, what are the best strategies for writing a quality article, and will touch on the process of peer-review and OA publishing.
The lecturer will be Ian Burgess from Wolters Kluwer.

Date: Thursday, June 8, 2023, from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Registration: https://www.wolterskluwer.com/en/events/creating-a-publication-ready-manuscript-with-lippincott

Helpful links for authors

Problems connecting to EBSCO resources

We ask users who cannot connect to EBSCO sources to contact the bibliographic-information services department at bis@upol.cz and help diagnose problems by stating the following facts.

  1. Are you connecting within the university computer network (PC at the faculties, in the library, etc.) or are you accessing remotely, i.e. outside the university network (home, VPN connection, wifi on mobile devices, etc.)?
  2. What link (URL) are you connecting from in the eResources portal? They are "Connect to the resource" and remote access links via Shibboleth or EZproxy; see "Additional information" on the EBSCO resource page.
  3. If you are connecting from another link, please include it.

EBSCO offers two special pages for testing the functionality of the access, and we will be glad if you try it and send us screenshots of the displayed pages:

For IP authentication, use https://search.ebscohost.com/testauth.aspx. There you also have a link to remove authentication cookies (Remove EBSCOhost Authentication Cookie), which may solve your connection problem.

For problems accessing via Shibboleth, use https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?authtype=shib&custid=s7108593&debug=true. After authentication, it will show you configuration details.

Thanks for your cooperation.

Author profiles in Web of Science or SciFlow for collaborative writing

We invite you to participate in webinars designed especially for publishing authors.

On Friday, April 21, from 10:00 a.m., there will be an online training focused on the issue of author profiles in the Web of Science citation database entitled "Profily výskumníkov vo Web of Science".
You can register at this link.

The webinar "Write and co-author research articles in SciFlow across institutions worldwide" dedicated to the possibilities of collaborative writing of scientific articles on the SciFlow platform will take place on Thursday, April 27, from 2:00 p.m.
More information and registration are here.

Training in the Palacký University Library on citations and citing

The Palacký University Library has prepared a training for its users focused on the issue of citation using citation managers.

Date: 18/04/2023 or 19/04/2023 from 1:15 p.m. to 2:45 p.m.

Place: computer room 1.66 on the ground floor of the Zbrojnice (Biskupské náměstí 1)

Reservation at https://rezervace.upol.cz/Akce/citacni-etika-a-citacni-manazer-citace-pro-plus/114.

Elsevier eBooks Collections

Palacký University received additional access to the e-book collections for the year 2023 thanks to the ScienceDirect Freedom Collection subscription within the CzechELib national consortium. More information can be found on the resource pages.

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Webinars in March

We invite you to participate in webinars dedicated to electronic information resources subscribed by Palacký University. Registration options and more detailed information are available at the links under the webinar titles.

Tuesday 14/03/2023 from 10:00 – Explore the Ebook Central Platform (ProQuest)

Tuesday 14/03/2023 from 17:00 – Publishing in Mathematical Sciences (Taylor&Francis)

Tuesday 21/03/2023 from 12:00 – Oxford Art Online

Tuesday 28/03/2023 from 12:00 – Oxford Academic Journals

Tuesday 28/03/2023 from 14:00 – Využívejte elektronické knihy z ProQuest Ebook Central naplno

Wednesday 29/03/2023 from 10:00 – Ethics focus: Plagiarism & text-recycling (Taylor&Francis)

Wednesday 29/03/2023 from 11:00 – Explore the ProQuest Platform to Enhance Your Academic Research

Wednesday 29/03/2023 from 17:00 – How to organize, present and share data (Sage)

Publishing Trends and Library Demands in Environmental Research

You are invited to attend a webinar hosted by Wiley on Thursday, March 9, 2023 from 10:45 a.m. to 11:35 a.m.

The possibility of registration and more information can be found at this link.

Author Workflow and Publishing Tips for Researchers

Suweco CZ and CzechELib are organizing a webinar on March 3, 2023, from 11:00 a.m. for researchers and authors of professional articles regarding publishing under the WILEY READ and PUBLISH MASTER AGREEMENT license for the Czech Republic.

You can sign up at this link.

Cambridge Journals Full Collection

Palacký University now subscribes to a collection of approximately 400 journals from Cambridge University Press. The Cambridge Core platform provides access.

In-depth citation analysis tool: scite_

We invite you to participate in the online seminar called "scite_: Going beyond citation counts", which takes place on Thursday, February 2, 2023, from 3:00 p.m to 4:00 p.m.

The online service scite_ will be presented, which analyzes the full texts of research articles for the purpose of qualitative assessment of citations. Thus that is not only how many times the publication has been cited, but also in what context and whether the citation offers confirmatory or negating evidence of the cited claims, or whether it is just a mention.

The webinar is free, you only need to register on the website of the organizer. More information about scite_ is here.


Since this year, access to the JSTOR database has been expanded, offering full texts of selected scientific journals. About 2.5 thousand magazines from the Arts & Sciences I - XV, Biological Sciences Collection and Language & Literature collections are now available.

See the JSTOR resource page for more information.

Inserted by: Bc. Hana Pechová
Academic Complete Ebook Subscription

Starting this year, Palacký University subscribes to the Academic Complete e-book collection, which includes more than 200,000 titles from practically all scientific fields. It is made available on the ProQuest Ebook Central platform (here, you can find detailed information and access addresses, including remote access possibilities).

Preprint Citation Index – new content on the Web of Science platform

We invite you to participate in a webinar introducing a new database in the Web of Science – Preprint Citation Index.

The webinar begins on Wednesday, 25 January 2023, from 10:00 a.m.

You can register here.

Oxford Full Journals Collection

As of this year, access to the full texts of Oxford University Press journals has been expanded to include humanities and social sciences titles, the university now subscribes to the so-called Full Journals Collection.

See the Oxford Journals resource page for more information.

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MedOne Adaptive Learner

The MedOne Adaptive Learner: Step 1 is a teaching and testing tool for medical students, explicitly designed for USMLE® Step 1 exam preparation. It is available on the Thieme MedOne Education platform.

Thanks to the use of artificial intelligence, MedOne Adaptive Learner can adapt to the pace of study and the level of already achieved knowledge of each student.

Trial access will last until November 3, 2022, and is possible after logging in with a personal account directly in the Thieme MedOne Education resource, and you can also find additional information on this page.

Profiles of authors, researchers in Web of Science

Clarivate is hosting a webinar called "Význam profilov výskumníkov vo Web of Science" to introduce the new open access version of author profiles.

The webinar takes place on September 21, 2022, at 10 a.m; detailed information and the registration form are here.

Get to know DynaMed

We invite you to a webinar about DynaMed – a reference search tool that makes decisions easier for doctors (in Czech), hosted by EBSCO, the supplier of many electronic information resources.

Event date: Wednesday, September 21, 2022, at 10 a.m

Registration here


Palacký University received trial access to the medical resource AccessMedicine, which will last until mid-October.
You can find detailed information and access addresses (it is possible to use EZproxy outside the university network) on the resource page.

New webinars about the Web of Science

You can register for the following July webinars:

Presentation of your institution's research – July 27 from 10:00 a.m
In this webinar, learn more about creating robust profiles for researchers and institutions using tools within Clarivate's InCites, Publons, and Web of Science.

Consultation: how to do "it" in Web of Science? – July 28 from 10.00 a.m 
This special consultation will exclusively address your questions regarding specific tasks in Web of Science, JCR, InCites, etc.
Please send your question to eniko.szasz@clarivate.com at least 24 hours before the start of the consultation.

E-books from EBSCO on mobile?

You will learn how to get the EBSCO Mobile App and use it effectively in the webinar:

Download and read EBSCO eBooks using the EBSCO Mobile AppJuly 27 from 9:30 a.m

Webinars about the Web of Science

Clarivate organizes webinars focused on working with the Web of Science database.

What can the citations tell us? – June 24 from 9:00
Why does the Web of Science capture all the citations? Why is it a citation index and what does it mean for us?

New issue in June: Journal Citation Reports – July 1 from 11:00
Discover the latest enhancements in Journal Citation Reports.

You can register on this page.

SciFlow for collaborative writing

Palacký University has gained trial access to the shared publishing platform SciFlow, developed by the Max-Planck Institute in Germany.
SciFlow offers an online text editor for researchers and students to create and edit scholarly texts in teams, includes many templates and citation styles, and links to reference managers (Zotero, Mendeley, etc.).

The trial access will run from May 25 to July 22, 2022.

On Wednesday, May 25 at 1 pm, there was a kick-off call, an initial online meeting with SciFlow representatives to present how to use SciFlow. The record is available at this link, request the access code at bis@upol.cz.

To access all SciFlow features, users must register with their university email address at https://sciflow.net/upol.

An Introduction to BioDigital Human

Albertina icome Prague, in cooperation with Ovid, has prepared a webinar "An Introduction to BioDigital Human", which will introduce the content of the BioDigital Human platform and outline how to work with 3D models, create your own quizzes and use a mobile application.

Online training takes place on 12 May 2022 from 2 pm, the registration form is available at https://www.aip.cz/seminare/920-an-introduction-to-biodigital-human/.

Grammarly for proofreading English texts

Grammarly is an application for checking English written texts. Using artificial intelligence, it corrects grammatical mistakes, suggests synonyms to make the text more readable and precise, and can even check documents for plagiarism.

To use this tool, it is possible to install extensions in a web browser and use Grammarly's Editor or check writting directly in Microsoft Office.

As of May 1, Palacký University has an annual subscription with 300 licenses for the Grammarly Business version, so if you are interested in using it, please contact us at bis@upol.cz.

Webinars in April

Clarivate is hosting an online seminar on 27 April at 10am titled Clarivate riešenia na monitorovanie indikátorov univerzitných rankingov, which will focus on the use of the Global Ranking of Academic Subjects (GRAS) to measure the performance of global universities.
You can register at this link.

Also on 27 April, at 2pm, there will be a webinar on SciFlow, an online shared writing and publishing platform developed to save researchers and students time and effort.
SciFlow offers, among other things, predefined journal templates with matching citation styles and links to reference managers.
Detailed information and registration for the webinar is available here.

On Friday, April 22, at 10 am, there will be an online seminar with hands-on demonstrations of how to work with the UpToDate knowledge-based information resource for evidence-based medical practice.
You can register on this page, where you can also find other webinar dates in the coming months.

Free-trials to legal resources from Kluwer and Oxford

Palacky University has gained trial access to the legal database Kluwer Competition Law, which will run only until March 20, and also to Oxford Competition Law, Max Planck Encyclopedia of Comparative Constitutional Law, Max Planck Encyclopedias of International Law, which are available until April 30.

ProQuest One Academic and ProQuest One Literature

We offer to try ProQuest One Academic – a resource for academic environments including e-books, full-text journals, dissertations and multimedia content and ProQuest One Literature, which will be appreciated especially by literary scholars and those interested in world literature.
Access to both sources will last until March 28, 2022.

Embase, LWW Health Library and the complete collection of Lippincott Williams & Wilkins journals

Palacky University has gained trial access to the medical resources – Embase, LWW Health Library and LWW Total Access Collection, which you can use until March 16, 2022.

Accelerate Your Science Research & Education With JoVE Videos

You can attend the webinar on February 22 from 10 a.m. or February 23 from 1 p.m.
Registration and detailed information are available at https://www.aip.cz/seminare/864-accelerate-your-science-research-education-with-jove-videos.

<Avaiable in czech version only.>
Writefull for Institutions: The New Generation of Academic Writing Help

Palacký University Library has been subscribing to the Writefull tool since last year, which provides advanced proofreading of professional texts in English.

We invite you to participate in webinars that will present all the possibilities of using this tool, such as add-ons to text editors or web applications Revise and Cite (accessible from the university computer network).

Dates: 8. 3. 2022 from 10:00
           15. 3. 2022 from 16:00
           24. 3. 2022 from 10:00

Registration and further information: https://www.aip.cz/seminare/822-writefull-for-institutions-the-new-generation-of-academic-writing-help

AMBOSS webinar for medical schools

At 15:00 (Czech time) on January 25th, AMBOSS will host a live, interactive webinar for medical schools.
During this session, the AMBOSS team will cover study strategies and tips to take full advantage of the AMBOSS platform, including how to integrate the AMBOSS library and question bank into your medical studies and exam preparation.

Link to webinarhttps://go.amboss.com/cz-wb-january2022

Oxford Hanbooks Online

Palacký University has a new collection of handbooks in the field of sociology available at Oxford Handbooks Online.

<Avaiable in czech version only.>
Survey of the use of electronic information resources

The Palacký University Library has prepared a short questionnaire, which aim is to obtain information on the use of electronic information sources. This survey will help to improve services in electronic information resources and optimize the range of e-resources available at Palacky University.

The questionnaire is online for completion by December 15, 2021, at this link.


Only until the end of November, you can also search the Anopress database on the available social media - Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram.

Oxford Journals and Handbooks

Palacky University now has access to collections of law available at Oxford Journals and Oxford Handbooks Online.

Web of Science new generation

During July, there was a transition to a new Web of Science interface with improved design and faster page loading.

Of particular note are the changes to the Author Search (providing more information about the author and greater integration with the researcher's profile in Publons) and working with search results, where the possibility of filtering by publisher has been added.
In addition, Web of Science allows early access content (articles that are published ahead of print and available online before they have been assigned a volume, issue, or page number), and the new version of Analyze Results includes an open access aspects (Gold, Bronze or Green).

The content of Journal Citation Reports has been significantly increased and citation metrics can also be monitored for journals included in the Arts & Humanities Citation Index and Emerging Sources Citation Index.
It is also interesting to introduce a completely new normalized metric called Journal Citation Indicator, details can be found in this presentation.

EBSCO eBook Collection

On the EBSCOhost platform, the multidisciplinary collection of electronic books EBSCO eBook Collection was expanded by more than 2.5 thousand titles from De Gruyter, Taylor & Francis, CRC Press, University of Michigan Press, Kassel University Press, Amsterdam University Press, etc.
E-books are available in Open Access mode in PDF or EPUB format.

Writefull – a tool for proofreading professional texts

From May 1, Palacký University has access to the Writefull tool, which provides advanced proofreading of texts in English and is intended primarily for universities and research institutions. Writefull corrects grammar, use of technical terminology, punctuation, spelling and stylistics. In doing so, he uses language models based on artificial intelligence and continuously "learns" from the texts of millions of published professional articles.

You can use the Writefull Revise and Writefull Cite web applications or install add-ons:


Palacký University now subscribes one of the world's largest statistical and market data platforms with access to over 1 million statistics, forecasts, documentation, reports and infographics on 80,000 topics from more than 22,500 sources. For other information see the Statista resource page.

We now bring you information about some interesting new content updates of this database, such as the following studies, statistics and documentation:

Practical webinar for beginning and experienced authors

We invite all students and teachers to the online seminar "Creating a Publication-Ready Manuscript", which takes place on Thursday, June 24, 2021 from 15:00 to 16:00.

The webinar will provide tips on how to improve your publishing skills, what are the best strategies for writing a quality article, and will also cover the process of peer-review and publishing in Open Access mode. After the introductory presentation, there will be space for participants' questions.

The lecturer will be Duncan A. MacRae from Wolters Kluwer, from which Palacký University uses resources mainly for medicine and healthcare.

Webinar registration is available at https://ovid.webex.com/ovid/onstage/g.php?MTID=ee48946d7669b975dcb41378972f46cb2.

The webinar will be held in English directly in a web browser, and it is sufficient to have speakers or headphones connected to the computer to transmit audio.

Other useful links:

SciFinder Webinars

Please use the opportunity to participate in the webinars, which will help you make best use of the premier scientific search solution SciFinder-n:

  • Biosequence Searching in SciFindern (April 21, 2021)
  • Back to Basics: Structure Searching in SciFindern (May 19, 2021)
  • Advanced Reference and Substance Searching in SciFindern (June 23, 2021)

You can register at the global webinar page where you can also see recordings of previous events.

ProQuest Day

Albertina icome Praha, together with ProQuest, is preparing the "ProQuest Day" event for Thursday, June 17, which will take place online in the ZOOM environment from 11:00 to 15:00.

The program will include several webinars in the range of 20-30 minutes, which will cover the use of ProQuest in e-learning, moderated purchase of e-books, the possibilities and benefits of publishing diploma theses in the ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database, or text and data mining.

Register in advance, then you will receive connection information and you can look forward to case studies, practical demonstrations and news in ProQuest.

Webinars on the Web of Science

Detailed information and the possibility to sign up for the webinar can be found at https://clarivate.libguides.com/europe/cz_sk or use this direct link to register (please register with your university e-mail).

Pan-European User Conference SciVal and Scopus

This conference, which takes place from 18-20 May 2021, is developed to support users in their role, by optimizing their resources, to deliver valuable insights for their institutions. The conference will cover topics including collaboration, funding strategies, solution interoperability and much more, as well as featuring user case studies from across the region. Many sessions will be led by our user community, with a focus on SciVal and Scopus.

By attending this conference, you can expect to come away with:

  • Updates and insights from peers and subject matter experts on topics such as Responsible Metrics, Rankings, Knowledge Exchange,
  • Best practices for using SciVal and Scopus to support strategic and operational decisions,
  • A wider network including users across Europe,
  • Opportunity to learn about, and register for, certification programs relevant to your role.

You can register at this link: https://ubivent.com/register/peuc2021

EZproxy and smart links

EZproxy technology was launched on the Portal of electronic information resources. EZproxy provides another way of remote access to licensed resources, the use of which is limited to the Palacký University computer network.
The advantage of EZproxy is its simplicity, but it is necessary to connect to resources directly here on the portal using EZproxy links, which the portal generates for individual resources.

At the same time, smart links were set up on the portal, which will make access to resources even easier.
Based on whether the user wants to access the resource directly from the university network or elsewhere, the portal itself offers a suitable link, i.e. direct access address, Shibboleth or EZproxy link.
All you have to do is "Connect to the resource" on its page here on the portal or click on the source name, e.g. in the alphabetical list.

Users who want to choose the method of remote access themselves can use the appropriate links on the page of the selected source, see the instructions for EZproxy and Shibboleth.
In addition, it is possible to use a VPN connection in which your computer becomes part of the UPOL network.

Webinars dedicated to the Web of Science

For detailed information and the direct link to register see this page (please register with your university e-mail).

ECS Digital Library

The Electrochemical Society (ECS) is organizing the "Free the Science Week" to support open access and in the week from April 5 – 11, 2021 it offers open access to more than 160 thousand scientific journal articles and meeting abstracts.

The ECS Digital Library is available on the IOPscience platform at: https://iopscience.iop.org/partner/ecs

The English report can be found at http://comms.iop.org/q/15W1IsMDZAoQRBoQJD/wv.

JSTOR and Artstor

Until 30 June 2021, Palacký University can use extended access to collections of journals on the JSTOR platform, as well as access to the Artstor digital image library.

Ovid Personal Account

Users using their Ovid Personal Account will be asked to agree to the license conditions once after the end of March after logging in. Consent will also be required when creating new personal accounts.

Detailed information can be found in the document at: https://info.lww.com/rs/681-FHE-429/images/OVID_EULA.pdf

<Avaiable in czech version only.>
Meet the Editor online

We invite you to a free webinar dedicated to publishing and conducted in English, organized by The Royal Society of Chemistry in cooperation with CzechELib and the National Technical Library in Prague.

Tuesday, February 23, 2021, 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM CET

Register now


  • Prof. Russell Morris, University of St. Andrews, UK (Chair, Dalton Transactions)
  • Prof. Paola Ceroni, University of Bologna, Italy (Associate Editor, Dalton Transactions)
  • Prof. Miriam Unterlass, Vienna University of Technology, Austria (Associate Editor, Journal of Materials Chemistry A)
  • Dr. Andrew Shore, Executive Editor (The Royal Society of Chemistry)
<Avaiable in czech version only.>
News in medical sources

The Faculty of Medicine has purchased access to the online educational tool ClinicalKey Student, detailed information can be found at https://ezdroje.upol.cz/?id=389.

The MEDLINE Ovid database (its Advanced Search) offers the new function Term Finder that allows you to choose suitable terms for search queries in one place using several thesauri, including the MeSH. See this page for details.
A short video with a demonstration of practical use can be watched at https://www.brainshark.com/wkovid/vu?pi=zHAzerbGjz34XJz0.

Writefull – a tool for proofreading professional texts

Until November 10, Palacký University has trial access to the Writefull tool, which provides advanced proofreading of texts in English and is intended primarily for universities and research institutions.

Writefull corrects grammar, use of technical terminology, punctuation, spelling and stylistics. In doing so, he uses language models based on artificial intelligence and continuously "learns" from the texts of millions of published professional articles.

Detailed information on trial access is provided in this document. The guide to using Writefull for Word is here.

Writefull was introduced by its authors from Digital Science at a webinar entitled "Writefull: vypilujte své odborné texty v angličtině" on October 1, 2020, you can see its record here: https://bit.ly/34jg0nS

Oxford University Press webinars in October

We offer you online seminars dedicated to databases, which are also subscribed by our university.
The seminars are conducted in English by trainers from OUP, who will introduce you with the content and tools of the following resources:

  • Oxford Art Online        Oct 14, 2020, 11:00 AM   Register
  • Oxford Music Online   Oct 16, 2020, 11:00 AM   Register
  • Oxford Academic Journals     Oct 20, 2020, 11:00 AM   Register
  • Oxford Scholarship Online     Oct 23, 2020, 10:00 AM   Register
  • Oxford Handbooks Online      Oct 27, 2020, 11:00 AM   Register
  • Oxford Research Encyclopedias   Oct 29, 2020, 11:00 AM   Register

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. Each session should last app. 40 mins.

Wolters Kluwer OVID

Palacký university has trial access to the following medical resources on the Wolters Kluwer Ovid platform:

Access will last until November 5, outside the university network it is also possible to connect via Shibboleth (it is necessary to choose the UK Access Management Federation and as an institution Palacky University).

In addition to the above pages for individual resources with detailed information, you can also use the central page with access to all resources: https://tools.ovid.com/trial/palacky-university/

Take advantage of new trial approaches!

For the month of October, we have prepared a trial access to the Brill Online Journals ’Collections database and the Encyclopedia of Slavic Languages and Linguistics Online.

Both approaches last until 30 October 2020 and are accessible in the UP network. Use a VPN connection for remote access.

Inserted by: Bc. Hana Pechová
ProQuest webinars

In September, ProQuest is organizing two online seminars focused on various search techniques and the possibilities of using content for your research, teaching or study. The webinars will be held in English and after registration you can watch them directly in your internet browser. You only need speakers or headphones connected to your computer.

ProQuest Platform: Applying Effective Search Strategies and Tips
Date:       10 September 2020, 08:30 – 09:00

ProQuest Platform: Use of Varied of Content in Teaching, Learning and Research
Date:       25 September 2020, 17:30 – 18:00

When research goes wrong

The Charlesworth Group is organizing another online seminar for PhD students and beginning researchers, which will provide a number of tips for situations where scientific work fails - what could go wrong, how to anticipate problems and how to respond to unexpected results.

Date: Thursday 10 September 2020 from 11:00     Registration

Date: Thursday 10 September 2020 from 15:00     Registration

How to choose a suitable magazine and maximize your publishing potential?

Charlesworth Group offers a webinar where you can get information on how to choose a suitable magazine and maximize your publishing potential.

The free webinar "Journal selection to maximize your career potential" will take place on Tuesday 28. 7. 2020, twice - from 11:00 or 15:00.

More information and a link to the application can be found HERE.

The webinar is intended primarily for doctoral students, beginning researchers and those interested in the issue of publishing.

Inserted by: Bc. Hana Pechová
De Gruyter

More than 75,000 e-books were made available to the Palacký University by De Gruyter publisher.

Access to this multidisciplinary collection at https://www.degruyter.com/ will last until the end of July.

Taylor & Francis eBooks

Palacky University can use books on the Taylor & Francis eBooks platform for another month, i.e. until June 30, 2020. These are more than 100,000 titles from practically all scientific disciplines.

Access address (valid in UP network or with VPN connection): https://www.taylorfrancis.com

Elsevier – Cell Press, Embase and Reaxys Medicinal Chemistry

Elsevier now offers ebooks and Cell Press journals for free on the ScienceDirect platform, it also made available the Embase biomedical database, and REAXYS – chemical structure database is expanded to include Reaxys Medicinal Chemistry.

For detailed information and access options, visit each resource site:

Resources are open for 60 days, i.e. until approximately 30 June 2020.

Online webinar for ProQuest One Literature

Take advantage of the free online webinar for the unique ProQuest One Literature database, which will take place on May 14, 2020 at 6 pm.

The webinar will be in English and will last approximately until 19.00.

More information and a link to the application form HERE.

Music Online database expanded with a unique collection!

The Music Online database has been expanded until June 30, 2020 by a unique collection from ProQuest (Alexander Street).

Under the collective name Music and Dance Online you will find audio, video, primary sources, scores, reviews (many are accompanied by full texts), encyclopedic and bibliographic information.

It covers classical music, jazz, music from America and around the world.

Inserted by: Bc. Hana Pechová
<Avaiable in czech version only.>
Favorite RILM database with two new sources!

Use the temporary extension of the RILM Abstracts of Music Literature with Full Text database.

Until 31 May 2020 the following are available:

  • Rilm Music Encyklopedias - 57 titles focused on historical musicology, ethnomusicology, but also theory of popular music, opera, blues, gospels etc.
  • MGG Online - detailed articles not only in the field of music, but also related literature, philosophy and fine arts.
Inserted by: Bc. Hana Pechová

Until June 30, 2020, the database Journal STORage offers free access to selected journal collections (over 2700 titles) as well as access to over 35,000 books.

Detailed information can be found at: https://ezdroje.upol.cz/prehled/zdroj.php?lang=en&id=4

BOOKPORT in full version lasts until the end of April!

Until the end of April, students and staff of Palacký University can use the online library BOOKPORT in full - ie more than 5,000 Czech e-books from publishers such as Grada, Portal, Karolinum, etc.

The library works via Shibboleth, just logging in with a username and password such as Stag

More about Bookport HERE

Inserted by: Bc. Hana Pechová
Slavic Humanities Index

The trial approach to the Slavonic Humanities Index can be used until the end of May. Access from home is possible with VPN connection set up.

Detailed information about this resource.

De Gruyter Journals

Palacký University received a three-month trial access to journals by De Gruyter Publishers. It is a multi-disciplinary collection of about 1,000 titles, two thirds are available in open access mode.

Access from https://www.degruyter.com/journals will continue until June 15, 2020.

MLA International Bibliography on EBSCOhost

The Modern Language Association, in collaboration with EBSCO, offers a unique database MLA International Bibliography with Full Text containing bibliographic records of millions of publications and full texts of more than 1,000 periodicals.
The database focuses on linguistics, literary theory and criticism, college-level teaching of literature, language and writing, as well as dramatic arts, folklore, history of printing and publishing.
It includes information resources from over 100 countries in English, Spanish German and 50 other languages.

You can find MLA International Bibliography with other EBSCO databases at http://search.ebscohost.com.
Detailed information and direct access address are on the resource page.

Access to the database will last until April 30, 2020.

Naxos Music Library

Naxos Music Library is now available to Palacký University users in the latest version (NML3) at https://palackeho.nml3.naxosmusiclibrary.com.
In addition to an improved user experience, it also offers new features; see video.
Detailed information about the database can be found on the source page.

How to write and publish your papers in high impact journals?

The Charlesworth Group offers another webinar on a strategy for publishing scientific papers in high impact factor journals.

The online seminar How to Write and Publish Your Papers in High Impact Journals will take place on Tuesday, March 10, 2020, twice - from 11:00 or 15:00.

You must register for the webinar in advance, you can find more information on the website of Albertina icome Praha: https://www.aip.cz/seminare/432-how-to-write-and-publish-your-papers-in-high- impact-journals

If the time is not suitable for you, write for a webinar record (see previous link for the contact address).
Links to previous webinar records and an overview of webinars for 2020 can be found at: https://www.aip.cz/support/nastroje/2342-charlesworth-knowledge-otevrene-webinare-2020/

This year will be the third annual EIZ Week
From 24 February 2020 to 28 February 2020, the UP Library is organizing the third year of a week-long educational event "Týden s EIZ" to promote and presentation electronic information resources, this year with the subtitle Get to Know e-Resources Up Close.
At all branches of the Palacký University Library, visitors can learn information about electronic information resources that the university subscribes exclusively to its students and employees. In addition to important knowledge of databases, participants may also receive various promotional leaflets or other items. The event will take place between 9:00 am and 2:00 pm and you can stop by not only to Armory, where you can find us in the computer room No. 166 on the ground floor, but you can also visit any branch of the university library.
This year, for the first time, we will also organize practical workshops where, with the support of an information education worker, you can try how and where to find relevant resources needed for your study. The workshops will only take place in the Armory on Tuesday 25 February from 9:45 am or 11:30 am and on Wednesday 26 February from 9:45 am. The specific date must be booked at iv@upol.cz.
Throughout the week you will have a unique opportunity to get not only useful tips and tutorials, but also get to know e-resources really up close!
Leaflet to download.
Inserted by: Bc. Hana Pechová
How to search electronic resources

At the beginning of March we have again prepared three seminars focused on working with electronic information sources.

Learn how to search to find relevant resources for your study. We will advise you in which databases to search, how to formulate a search query and how you can work with found records.


March 3, 2020 9:45 - 11:15
March 4, 2020, 13:15 - 14:45
March 5, 2020 9:45 - 11:15

Place: Library UP (Armory), Biskupské nám. 1, ground floor - computer room no. 166.

Seminars are free for students and employees.

Due to the limited number of participants, please register in advance by e-mail iv@upol.cz or by calling 585 631 743.

You can also follow the news from the area of EIZ in our group I LOVE E-RESOURCES UPOL on Facebook.

Inserted by: Bc. Hana Pechová
Heart & Circulatory Premium

Palacký University received a 14-day trial access to the online Heart & Circulatory Premium application, which is one of the Visible Body modules on the Ovid platform.
Heart & Circulatory Premium offers interactive 3D models of the heart and circulatory system that you can rotate, zoom, hide or add layers, write your own notes, and mark specific places.
The program is very useful for teaching in medical and nursing fields and for self-study and knowledge testing in the form of quizzes.

Access is possible after registering at http://bit.ly/39zxBZI.
You will then receive an email message with your personal login information to sign in at http://ovidsp.ovid.com.
After Ovid logging in, select the "Visible body" link in the top blue bar and then the icon of Visible Body: Heart & Circulatory Premium.

The trial will run until 29th February 2020.

Online webinars of Charlesworth Group for emerging scientists and PhD students


We invite you to participate in a free online seminar on publishing etiquette.

Common ethical problems associated with publishing will be outlined, including plagiarism, which is one of the most common reasons for rejecting an article.

When: Tuesday 28.1. 2020 from 11:00 or 15:00

Where: Online

More information and application link: https://www.aip.cz/seminare/430-understanding-research-ethics/

The Charlesworth Group provides services to help zs. to less experienced authors with a modification of the manuscripts of their articles to increase the chances of their publication in prestigious journals. It also offers professional training seminars led by reputable foreign lecturers.

Inserted by: Bc. Hana Pechová
Gale Literary Sources webinar

The webinar will give you an overview of all the Gale Literary Sources news and improvements:

  • Platform Enhancements - Provides a uniform experience across Gale products for users
  • search results - Highlights important information to help users find relevant content, for example
  • simplified user interface - gives you quick access to search engines, relevant content, and links to services like Google Drive and Microsoft OneDrive
  • more descriptive product names

When: January 21, 2020, 11:00 - 12:00
URL: https://www.aip.cz/seminare/428-gale-literary-sources-product-enhancement-training/

The seminar is in English. The presentation is done online directly in your Internet browser and it is sufficient to have speakers or headphones connected to your computer.

Inserted by: Bc. Hana Pechová
Quote with citation manager Citation PRO

Quotations and references are an integral part of every work. That is why we have prepared a training for you to learn, among other things, why and how to cite, and we will also introduce the Citations PRO citation manager, which will help you with citing resources significantly.

Training dates:

• November 26, 2019 9:45 - 11:15
• November 27, 2019 13:15 - 14:45
• November 28, 2019 9:45 - 11:15

Place: Library UP (Armory), Biskupské nám. 1, ground floor - computer room no. 166.

Seminars are free for students and employees.

Due to the limited number of participants, please register in advance by e-mail iv@upol.cz or by calling 585 631 743.

Inserted by: Bc. Hana Pechová
Cambridge e-books

Until September 2020, Palacký University has access to a collection of mostly medical books from Cambridge University Press.
These are approximately 1,700 titles, of which the most sought after will be selected for permanent access.
For more information, visit the page of Cambridge Core.
Direct access to ebooks is from this address.

<Avaiable in czech version only.>
How to search in electronic resources

At the beginning of November we have prepared for you three seminars focused on searching books and other publications in Czech and foreign electronic resources.

We will advise you in which databases to search, how to formulate a search query and how you can work with found records.


• November 5, 2019 9:45 - 11:15
• November 6, 2019 13:15 - 14:45
• November 7, 2019 9:45 - 11:15

Place: Library UP (Armory), Biskupské nám. 1, ground floor - computer room no. 166. 

Seminars are free for students and employees.

Due to the limited number of participants, please register in advance by e-mail iv@upol.cz or by calling 585 631 743.

Inserted by: Bc. Hana Pechová
<Avaiable in czech version only.>
Chinese Newspapers Collection (1832–1953)

Chinese historical newspapers providing critical perspectives and first-hand accounts on the ending of
more than 2,000 years of imperial rule in China, the Taiping Rebellion, the Opium Wars with Great Britain,
the Boxer Rebellion and the events leading up to the 1911 Xinhai Revolution, and the subsequent founding
of the Republic of China.

The database can be found on the ProQuest platform: https://search.proquest.com
The direct address for this resource only is here.

The trial access at Palacký University will last until October 23, 2019.

Journals from Cell Press and The Lancet

We are pleased to inform you that from September 16th until October 30th, all Cell Press primary research titles are freely accessible through a trial period at our institution.

In addition, The Lancet journal is available for the same period.

Access to journals is within ScienceDirect or on the Cell Press website: 

Webinars for Web of Science and InCites

A Clarivate Analytics company again prepared a series of online training sessions on Web of Science and InCites.

The complete offer for September with dates and links to register for a specific webinar can be found on this poster.

You need an computer with the internet access and headphones to participate in the webinar.

Invitation to the Karger Publishers Workshop: An Author's Guide to Scientific Publishing in Biomedicine

Dear colleagues,

We  would like to invite you to participate in workshop Karger Publishers: An Author’s Guide to Scientific Publishing in Biomedicine.

The date of workshop:  25th September 2019 from 2.30 pm.

The Karger Workshop is a session designed for both, students just starting their professional careers and writing their first scientific articles, as well as scientists who are interested in a refreshment course on publishing research articles.

The first part of the session focuses on the publishing process: shining a light onto the mechanisms of scientific publishing and giving an insight into the process of selecting the right journal for one’s article and providing detailed information on the review process.

The second part offers a variety of tips and tricks, concerning the manuscript itself: from basic structure to detailed information including a variety of useful examples and advices when writing a scientific article.

The workshop will be performed in English language.

Registration form: https://forms.gle/PQHUXscJoZ71e2N96

We are looking forward to your participation!

Inserted by: Bc. Hana Pechová
Do you use a MyArchive account in Literature Online?


From August 1, 2019, Literature Online will move to the new ProQuest platform. If you are currently using a MyArchive account, you must export your saved records for later use by July 31, 2019.

Instructions can be found HERE.

Inserted by: Bc. Hana Pechová
Charlesworth Group Online Webinars for Beginning Scientists and PhD Students

We invite you to participate in online workshops focusing on effective publishing of scientific papers, grant applications, planning conferences, improving presentation skills and much more you encounter in academic science.
Webinars are led by dr. Gareth Dyke of Charlesworth Author Services, who is himself a scientist and author of over 260 professional publications.
On the website of Albertina icome Praha you can find dates and links where you can register as a participant. See this page.

JoVE - videos for interactive teaching of biology

Until the end of 2019, open access to JoVE Core Bio www.jove.com/core videos is available, focusing on the interactive teaching of biology.

JoVE Core introduces scientific concepts through over 400 animated videos and text descriptions created by experts. Video Visualization enables students to quickly understand complex scientific ideas and models.

For more information click HERE

Inserted by: Bc. Hana Pechová
DynaMed Plus

For registration to webinars see https://ezdroje.upol.cz/files/DynaMedPlus.PDF.

Trial access to a unique statistical and market data platform

Take advantage of unique world database access!

The Statist is one of the world's largest statistical and market data platforms with access to over 1.5 million statistics, forecasts, documentation, reports and infographics on 80,000 topics from more than 22,500 sources.

From rabbit pet food in the UK, to the daily population share of daily newspapers in Norway, the breakdown of mobile players in China. The platform combines economic data, consumer perspectives, opinion polls, and demographic trends.

All data can be downloaded in 4 different formats in seconds. Every student, lecturer and employee receives all rights to publish and use the data (useful eg during a presentation at a conference). It also includes an automatic citation output.

Access from 1.5.2019 to 31.5.2019 at https://www.statista.com/

Inserted by: Bc. Hana Pechová
Trial access to Emerald journals and e-books

The approach lasts from April 1 to May 10, 2019 and offers about 400 journals and about 1,000 e-books in the areas of management, economics and commerce, as well as health and social care, education and technical disciplines or librarianship.

Most of the magazines are listed in Web of Science ™ and indexed in Scopus.

For more information, visit www.emeraldinsight.com.

Here you can see an interesting instructional video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVRKLtJgWfE.

Inserted by: Bc. Hana Pechová
Writing an effective scientific paper

You can watch a video of a webinar focusing on successful publishing strategies at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Jf8SMdpoMOrF6zJLorP6CJiTWjGZMJO6/view?t=5m12s 

Webinar is led by a representative of The Charlesworth Group, an international company offering services for authors, Mr. Gareth Dyke who is a scientist, paleontologist, author of over 260 professional publications, such as in Science and Nature.

Get inspired by examples, hints and tips on how to name the article, how to attract with the abstract, how to structure your work properly, why a cover letter sent to the editor is so important ... And be successful!

Extended access to Anopress media database

Anopress media database is now available to you from anywhere in the university (and from a home using a VPN connection) at: https://monitoring.anopress.cz/Anopress?xl=upmedia&xh=sguvdeaw5nwei8aidet6j2vq843c4zx5&nomenu=0

You will find here full texts of national and regional newspapers, selected magazines, literal transcripts of television and radio news programs, as well as texts of major media internet sources in the Czech Republic, with a retrospective since 1996.

This extended access for an unlimited number of concurrent users will last until April 30, 2019.

Then it will be possible to work with the database again only in the university library, see the Anopress website.

Inserted by: Bc. Hana Pechová
<Avaiable in czech version only.>
Action "Week with EIZ" again after a year!

In the week from February 25 to March 1, 2019, we have prepared for you the Week with EIZ, which met with great success last year.
Come to learn more about the databases Palacký University offers you!
We will be glad to attend the infotainments or places that will be marked in the Zbrojnice and all branches of the UP Library.
You will not only get new knowledge but also small promotional materials that will be ready for you.
You are warmly welcome!


Inserted by: Bc. Hana Pechová
<Avaiable in czech version only.>
IOP Publishing & World Cancer Day

The Institute of Physics (IOP), on the occasion of the World Cancer Day (February 4), provides access to four very interesting books on this topic, viewed from the perspective of physics and technology.

These are the following works:
Global Oncology
Physics of Cancer (Volume 1 and Volume 2)
Design and Shielding of Radiotherapy Treatment Facilities

They are available until February 11, 2019 as PDF, ePub or MOBI at: http://ioppublishing.org/world-cancer-day

Unique opportunity for doctoral students to get valuable information for publishing!

ACS on Campus

The event, which will take place on Wednesday, February 6, at the National Technical Library.

It is a unique opportunity for doctoral students to obtain valuable information for publishing, to meet leading editors of ACS magazines and to make useful contacts. The event is organized by the American Chemical Society in cooperation with the National Technical Library, CzechELib and ICT Prague.

Entry is free, the event is in English.

For more information, please visit the web site

GIDEON: Global Infectious Diseases & Epidemiology Online Network

GIDEON is a complete and accurate database that covers all infectious diseases from all over the world. It is updated daily, provides information on the latest outbreaks and is an ideal aid for diagnosis and identification.

You can access by the individual registration at https://goo.gl/6FXhZp.

Then you will receive an email with your personal login information, which you will use to log in to http://ovidsp.ovid.com. After logging in, click on the GIDEON link in the top blue bar.

Training materials and tutorials can be found at: https://www.gideononline.com/product-resources/?app

Access is open until 31 December 2018.

<Avaiable in czech version only.>
A Unique Film Scripts Online Screen Scripts Database!

The Full Scripts Database Movie Scripts Online contains scenarios of about 1500 American films, such as Ben Hur, JFK, Casablanca, Bonnie and Clyde, Platoon. Some of them have never been printed. This highly structured archive offers a bibliographic and biographical database of directors and writers along with the entire text of the films themselves.
We watch, discuss and analyze movies, but we rarely read scenarios. While some of the familiar movie scripts appeared in printed form, most of them have never been published in any format. Researchers have difficulty finding original scripts, acting and gaining authority from holders who are often reluctant to borrow rare and unique documents.

Documents allow you to "watch" the film with the author's perspective, which sometimes differs from the final version. Each scenario is supplemented by bibliographic and biographical (including character and character list) data, a breakdown of individual scenes, and basic information about both the screenwriter and the director. The database also stores individual scenarios.

Take advantage of the FREE trial access to this unique database, until December 1, 2018!

Books with Chinese themes until 30. 12. 2018 for free!


Take advantage of an e-book offering with Chinese themes. Download eBooks for $ 100 Free!

You can find the offer here: http://book.oversea.cnki.net/CCGBWEB/Book/Index

You can find the application form here: http://cnki-know-china.mikecrm.com/m4bcv1A

Access to the archive of the Royal Society Publishing

The Royal Society Publishing publishes its entire archive within Open Access Week, access to all the articles that have been published over the past 350 years!
Numbers of all magazines from 1665 until today are available for free until Sunday 28.10. 2018 from https://royalsociety.org/journals.

These are titles:

Biology Letters
Journal of the Royal Society Interface
Focus Interface
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical & Engineering Sciences
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences
Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical & Engineering Sciences
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences
Notes and Records: The Royal Society Journal of the History of Science
Open Biology (open access)
Royal Society Open Science
Biographical Memoirs

The publisher also posted an overview of the most widely read articles from the Open Biology magazine over the past 7 years: https://blogs.royalsociety.org/publishing/highlights-from-open-biology/.

<Avaiable in czech version only.>
Bentham Science medical journals

Palacký University has been given a trial access to a collection of professional medical journals published by Bentham Science. This is more than one hundred titles with available full-text articles since 2000.

Access to journals at http://www.eurekaselect.com/bypublication will run until January 16, 2019.

Everything you need to know about academic publishing

Online seminar focusing on academic publishing in English will take place on September 26, 2018, from 14:00 to 15:00.
For more information, please visit the site https://www.aip.cz/seminare/318-everything-you-need-to-know-about-academic-publishing/.

The possibility to register for a webinar is right here.

Invitation to the Web of Science Seminars

The task of these webinars is to introduce a variety of ways to work with the Web of Science database, the InCites platform, and related products.

Webinars are free.

You can find information about terms and sign-up options here.

In the midst of hot summer, ProQuest saves your crank

ProQuest improves the start page of your http://search.proquest.com/ interface and is not just cosmetic but especially functional. The new design was preceded by a detailed analysis of the user's search behavior as well as the ratings that the users subsequently provided.

The interface will allow you to apply search filters straight away in Simple Search mode, such as limiting results to scientific journals, video and audio materials or final work, or selecting additional resources.

From the main page, you can also find out what current database you are searching for, you can get inspired tutorials and search tips.

This is another enhancement that ProQuest introduces to users. On the one hand, users are quick and intuitive to navigate in the environment, while making their way to the relevant results as simple as possible.

Take a look at the short video that summarizes the current Simple Search feature:

Molecular and Cellular Proteomics

The Molecular and Cellular Proteomics journal is available online for users of the Faculty of Science Palacký University (according to their respective IP addresses) with full texts without a time delay (publisher embargo). The most recent articles are therefore available on http://www.mcponline.org/content/by/year.

Access is set until January 31, 2019.

SciFinderⁿ - trial approach

Palacký University has gained a test access to the SciFinder® database, which provides the most comprehensive and most significant resources from the chemical and related disciplines.

You can find the database here.

Anopress database has a new look!

The popular Anopress database has been given a new look.

Current Address: https://bit.ly/2lE5WjG  

Do not hesitate to try this unique database, which you can read more here.

News in ProQuest healthcare databases

A total of 25 healthcare Oxford handbooks published by Oxford University Press in 2009-17 and about 30 medical journals from Karger, American Cancer Research Association, AHC Media, and others are now available in the Hospital Premium Collection database.
For a complete list of journals, including full text, embargo, and direct link to ProQuest, visit https://goo.gl/PvWf8v (.xls).
Central ProQuest address for searching is https://search.proquest.com/.

Photo competition of the Royal Society Publishing

This year's photo competition was announced by the Royal Society Publishing.

Last year, she received honorable recognition of the Czech astronomer Petr Horálek, and we believe in the success of Czech scientists this year too!

Compete in five categories:

Earth science & climatology
Ecology and Environmental Science
The main criteria are aesthetic impression and mediation of an interesting scientific phenomenon. The overall winner will receive GBP 500, the winners of each category will be GBP 250. Deadline for submitting photos until August 31, 2018.

For more detailed information and registration form please visit the Royal Society Publishing website.

You can inspire the winners of last year.

Pablikado - an attractive part of the PRO Plus Quote

Palacký University offers you the opportunity to use the unique Pablikado system, which mediates professional content.

At present, you have over 30 professional journals available as users using the PRO Plus Quote through Palacky University. You can read on the web after downloading (same as the UP portal) or after downloading the same application on Google Play as well as on mobile devices and tablets. In a mobile application, texts can not only be read, but also highlighted, underlined, inserted notes, and so on.
Professional content is available for free until the end of September 2018.

Check out Pablikado what options offer you.

UpToDate Anywhere

UpToDate Anywhere is the expanded version of the online system UpToDate - the knowledge information resource for medicine.
Now it allows to create individual accounts, workplace access, remote access and access via a mobile application.

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SAGE Magazines in April FREE!

Users of SAGE's personal account will provide all their magazine content for FREE in April!

There are over 1100 titles and 2 million articles available.

  • If you do not have your personal account yet, just register: https://journals.sagepub.com/action/registration
  • Once you have received the confirmation email, click on that link
  • ATTENTION! Access must be enabled by clicking on "Claim your Access Token" at http://journals.sagepub.com/page/help/globalftsoc18
  • Then sign in and all the content is available to you at http://journals.sagepub.com/action/showPublications
Classiques Garnier - trial approach

Palacký University has gained a trial access to the database of French electronic (web) magazines, books and manuals of CLASSIQUES GARNIER.

You can find the database in the Resource Overview.

48/5000 ClinicalKey Medical Education - Trial approach

The Palacky University Medical Faculty has gained a trial access to the ClinicalKey Medical Education database.
In the first half of April, there will be a presentation on the LF where you can learn more about this tool. For more information, contact your librarian at the LF.

You can find the database here.

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E-books from physics

IOP Publishing offers a limited time offer for International Women's Day until March 11, 2018 and the possibility of downloading these three titles:

Beyond Curie (Four women in physics and their remarkable discoveries, 1903 to 1963):


After the War: Women in Physics in the United States


Women and Physics:




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Week with EIZ

Within the Academic Week  (19. - 23. 2. 2018), the UP Library prepared a one-week educational event to promote and promote electronic information resources. Applicants can stop at the Arms Center, where they will find information on the ground floor from 10am to 3pm, where they will learn what electronic information sources are available to the UP and what opportunities they offer for students and employees.

In addition to information about databases or seminars where they will learn how to search for them, leaflets or demonstrations on mobile devices, participants will be able to carry various promotional items (badges, pencils, pens, bags, etc.). Whoever is far away from the Armory can use one of the UP Library's branches at each faculty where the event will run in parallel.

Dynamed Plus

Until 30 April 2018, Palacky University received a trial access to Dynamic Plus on the EBSCOhost platform. It is a new clinical reference tool for evidence-based medicine designed primarily to help physicians find a quick response to clinical issues in relation to the case or patient.

Dynamed Plus is based on the original Dynamed tool, but offers new features, search algorithms, content, and a more friendly and flexible environment. Access is possible from this address: http://www.dynamed.com.

The benefits of Dynamed Plus are summarized here:

Reports and recommendations based on EBM
Image materials from the American College of Physicians (more than 4,700)
Collaboration with the American College of Physicians on clinical topics
More topics (more than 4,500 compared to 3,000)
Micromedex - Integrating information about drug contraindications
Standard GRADE Reflections

15,000 new e-books

The National Technical Library in Prague has acquired access to nearly 15,000 e-books by Elsevier, Springer, Wiley, the leading international publishers of scientific and scholarly literature for CzechELib (and UP). Most titles are from Science-Technology-Medicine, but also economics, social sciences and more.

Most of these books are available to users electronically in EBS (Evidence Based Selection) mode - meaning that throughout the year 2018, users will have access to all books and at the end of the year they will be selected and bought into the permanent ownership of the most widely used total financial volume).

More detailed descriptions of collections of pre-selected eBooks from individual publishers

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Literature Online

On Friday 15 December, at 10:30, you can attend a webinar about Literature Online database. Information is here: http://www.aip.cz/seminare/272-literature-online-online-webinar. This webinar will be in English, with the trainer Stefan Voss from ProQuest.

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There are 14 new full-text medical journals in ProQuest:

  • The Annals of Royal College of Surgeons
  • Bulletin of the Royal College of Surgeons
  • Clinical Neuroradiology
  • Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine
  • Faculty Dental Journal
  • International Journal of Applied Exercise Physiology
  • International Journal of Molecular Medicine
  • International Journal of Oncology
  • Journal of Water and Health
  • Medical Gas Research
  • Molecular and Clinical Oncology
  • Molecular Medicine Reports
  • Oncology Letters
  • Oncology Reports

Search for titles the Proquest page Publication.

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Oxford Academic Journals

A brief overview of the features and benefits of the Oxford University Press online resources on Wednesday, 1. 11. 2017, 12:00 - 13:00PM. You can register here: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/8925292620082594307. Webinar will be in english.

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The Ringed Planet

THE RINGED PLANET: Cassini's Voyage of Discovery at Saturn, written by Joshua Colwell, is a richly illustrated publication devoted to Cassini's 13-year mission to Saturn.

IOPscience provides it free to download in PDF, ePub and Kindle formats, see http://iopscience.iop.org/book/978-1-6817-4497-1.
This offer is valid until October 15, 2017!

The Royal Society Publishing Photography Competition

Entries for the 2017 Photography Competition are now open and will close on 31 August 2017.

Detailed proposals and registration form are available on the Royal Society Publishing website: https://royalsociety.org/journals/publishing-activities/photo-competition/how-to-enter/

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eBook Clinical Collection

Palacký university has a free trial till 15th of May 2017 to The eBook Clinical Collection was designed by EBSCO’s collection development team of librarians for use in clinical settings, biomedical libraries and academic-medical institutions. It features over 2 900 quality e-books that focus on a wide range of medical topics, including surgery, pediatrics, pharmacology, general practice and more. Access is possible from here: http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?authtype=ip,cookie,uid&profile=ehost&defaultdb=e600tww

Applied Science & Technology Source Ultimate

Palacky University has free trial till 15th of May 2017 to the database Applied Science & Technology Source Ultimate. This resource has nearly 1,700 journals published in North America, Africa, Asia, Oceania, Europe and Latin America in both English and local languages will allow students to science, engineering, math and technology disciplines look at the study and research of a more global perspective. Subject coverage is as follows:

Chemical Engineering
• Aerospace
Mechanical Engineering
• Artificial Intelligence
• Computing
Software Development
Sources of Energy

Access into the database is possible here: http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?authtype=ip,cookie,uid&profile=ehost&defaultdb=aps

Zedhia: historical online portal

Palacky University has a free trial till 31st of May 2017 to the portal Zedhia. This portal contains 1.1 million pages of digitized texts of more than 3 000 books. Thematically Zedhia focus on issues of history, economics, genealogy and related fields from 1868-2003, in Central Europe, especially in Austria. This source can be searched in English or German. Each book is always digitized with the envelope and all the necessities. Access is possible from this page https://portal.zedhia.at.

List of documents that Zedhia covers, is available here.

Emerald Insight

Palacký Univeristy has a free trial till 31st of May 2017 to journals from Emerald publishing house, which are focused on economics, management, strategic control, marketing etc. There are also available journals conected with psychology, engineering, social care and health. There are more than 300 journals in the collection and more than 260 of them are indexed in Scopus and 61 are indexed in Web of Science. You can access here: http://emeraldinsight.com.

Brochure with the list of journals is here

Brochure with the topics in the collection is here

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BMJ Publishing Group

Palacký University in Olomouc has an opportunity to try till 31st of May 2017 products of publishing house BMJ:

1/ BMJ Journals Online Collection+

Have a look at journals from BMJ Publishing Group that are not the part of our subscription.

Try here: http://journals.bmj.com/

2/ BMJ Best Practice, včetně databáze Martindale

BMJ Best Practice is a knowledge base that supports the decision making thanks to the newest results of research and expert opinion based on EBM. There are more than 10 000 diagnosis.

Try here: http://bestpractice.bmj.com

3/ BMJ Learning

BMJ Learning is an interactive online tool that helps to educate physicians, hospital staff and other employee in this field. It´s also very helpful for students of medicne.

Try here: http://learning.bmj.com/learning/home.html


National Geographic Magazine

Palacky University has a trial access to the world-renowned National Geographic magazine, from the year 1888 to 2017. Trial will be open until 30th of April 2017 and it is set for the entire University. University has a current content of National Geographic Magazine in 1995-today, as well as archives of National Geographic Magazine Archive, 1888-1994. Access includes completely all the numbers, pages, photos and maps published from 1888 to the present. The entire contents can be full text searchable.

Access to journal: http://infotrac.galegroup.com/itweb/palacky?db=NGMA

Complete Counseling and Therapy Package

Palacky University has a free trial till 31st of March 2017 to the database Complete Counseling and Therapy Package. This database can be used by psychologists, doctors, therapists and students of these disciplines who can find in a collection of training videos, psychiatric practice video from psychologists and social workers, as well as videos that reflect the latest research and best practices in the field of counseling, mental health and psychology. You can search by therapeutic approach, type of disease, there are also interviews, presentations of experts, instructional materials, transcripts of consultations with patients. At present the database contains more than 1,500 videos and almost 1,900 books and other types of documents. Information brochure here.

To access click here: http://search.alexanderstreet.com/conc

Or you can try to access each collection bellow:

Counseling and Psychotherapy Transcripts: Volume I - http://psyc.alexanderstreet.com
Counseling and Psychotherapy Transcripts: Volume II - http://search.alexanderstreet.com/ctrn
Counseling and Therapy in Video: Volumes I, II, and III - http://search.alexanderstreet.com/ctiv
Counseling and Therapy Online: Current Practices - http://search.alexanderstreet.com/ctv4

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Sage HSS Collection

Palacky University has free trial till 10th of February 2017 to the collection of Social Sciences & Humanities from database Sage. The collection has 665 journals and can be accessed from this page http://journals.sagepub.com.

When you search, you can choose Browse by Discipline and only search the collection that we have access to, or are already in the advanced search, select Access Type: Only content I have full access to.

Taylor & Francis Social Science & Humanities Library

Palacky University has free trial till 3rd of March 2017 to titles published by Taylor & Francis publishing house, namely to the collection of Social Science & Humanities Library with over  1,500 magazines. A leaflet with instructions on how to search is available here. Thematically, these disciplines are covered:

  • Arts
  • Communication Studies
  • Economics, Finance, Business & Industry
  • Education
  • Environment
  • Geography
  • Humanities
  • Information Science
  • Politics & International Relations
  • Social Sciences
  • Tourism, Hospitality & Events

Access is possible from this address: http://www.tandfonline.com

Access is only for those articles where is the green icon, or you can enter a search query select: Only show content I have full access to.

Free trial to PQDT A&I

Palacký University has a free trial till 10th of March 2017 to database ProQuest Dissertation & Theses A&I. Although our university has partial access to the content of the final works in your subscription from ProQuest STM as a comparison to our existing number of works (nearly 220,000), the testing approach increased to 4,000,000 records of theses (3.5 million dissertations and theses 500,000). In this free trial, it is possible to see only Abstract and Index (so named A&I), not the full text of works, but in a half of the records you can view the first 24 pages of scanned text. Thematically the trial covered economics, medicine, history, literature, linguistics, art, natural sciences and the humanities.

You can access the free trial here: http://search.proquest.com/pqdt

Web of Science and Journal and Highly Cited Data

Palacký university had an opportunity to attend webinars organized by a company Clarivate Analytics (formerly division IP&Science Thomson Reuters) to these products:

  • Web of Science Core Collection
  • Journal Higly Cited Data
  1. Journal Citation Reports (analytical tool for evaluation of journals)
  2. Essential Science Indicators (analytical tool for evaluation of authors, institutions and countries due to a citation analysis)

You can enter the webinars at this adress: www.clarivateanalytics/training

More information here.

Dynamed Plus

Palacký University in Olomouc has a free trial until 14th of February 2017 to a tool Dynamed Plus at EBSCOhost platform. Dynamed Plus was created from previous tool Dynamed but it offers new functions, search algoritm, content and user friendly and more flexible interface. The adress to access this tool is: http://www.dynamed.com.

Advantages of Dynamed Plus are summarized here:

  • Reports and recommendations based on EBM
  • Images from American College of Physicians (more than 4 700)
  • Cooperation with American College of Physicians about the clinical topics
  • More topics (total number is 4 500)
  • Micromedex - integration of information about drug contraindications
  • Reflection of GRADE standard
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Altmetrics PlumX at EBSCO platform

Palacký University in Olomouc has an unique opportunity to use altmetrics PlumX at EBSCOhost platforms. This tool evaluates the impact of research and provides evidence about usage of scientific output at all levels. It helps to save time and makes searching easier. Alternative metrics PlumX are available at million of records in databases at EBSCOhost platform and also in EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS).

Plum Metrics provide unique information about usage (display, download, WorldCat), bookmarking (e.g. Mendeley), mention (Wikipedia etc.), social media (Facebook, Twitter) and citation (Scopus, PubMed, SSRN etc.). Users and authors can follow in real time impact and reflection of all types of publications (articles, books, collection, video, posters etc.). PlumX Metrics help users to have a deeper and superior research with modern evaluation of results.

Additional information can be find here. Search for a specific keyword and look for an icon similar to this one. Simiralry metrics can be find also in databases SpringerLink, Wiley Online, Library, Cambridge Journals Online or Scopus 

(but they are named differently e.g. Altmetric or CiteScore Metrics).

  PlumX Metrics Icon

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