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CEEOL – Central and Eastern European Online Library

Discovery.upol Shibboleth
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is an electronic library and platform for accessing professional and scientific journals and also e-books from Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe, focusing on the humanities and social sciences.

The database processes journals published in Poland, Lithuania, Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and other European countries. Several magazines from Germany, France, Great Britain and Japan are also excerpted. About 90 journals are included in the Czech Republic (eg Czech Literature, Word and Literary, Our Speech, Contemporary History, Media Studies and others). The retrospective of magazines usually goes back to the 1990s.

CEEOL it also provides access to biographical data of authors from around the world, offers a brief biography, eventually portraits or a list of literary works.

Financially supported by the CzechELib project.

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Additional information
  • This resource is indexed in discovery.upol.
  • This resources supports remote access via Shibboleth.
  • Brief info: humanities and social science journals and e-books from Central and Eastern Europe
  • Disciplines: multidisciplinary source
  • Type of the resource: Fulltext
  • Publisher: CEEOL
Additional information
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